100% data accuracy guaranteed

Find prospect emails and phone numbers directly from LinkedIn

Download the Datagenie chrome or browser extension to instantly search and extract email addresses and contact numbers directly from prospects’ LinkedIn profiles or from their company websites in seconds.

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Best chrome extension to find contact details directly from company websites

Relevant contacts with verified email addresses and phone numbers

Get instant access to emails and phone numbers by searching for accurate data. Just open the company website and Datagenie browser extension does the rest.

Boost your sales with the Datagenie Prospecting Platform for B2B leads

Shorten prospecting time with Datagenie and instantly connect with 100+ million contacts

Increase sales exponentially with accurate potential leads

Datagenie provides verified emails that increase email response rate dramatically

Easy integration sends all prospects information directly to your CRM

Datagenie shows prospect’s contact details from within their LinkedIn profile

Best LinkedIn email finder chrome extension for prospects details

The Datagenie browser extension provides verified email addresses & phone numbers straight from LinkedIn profiles

Now you can download contact details from any LinkedIn profile without having to leave the browser. The chrome extension also shows related contacts and their emails addresses and phone numbers.

What our happy clients say about their success

Try datagenie for 10 days free

Download our Chrome Extension and try it out free for 10 days on company websites and LinkedIn profiles. No card details, no contract, no obligation. Just the basic details and off you go…